Posts filed under #onepenoneday

#OnePenOneDay Pilot Dr. Grip Full Black

Pilot Dr Grip Full Black

I am still mad at the Pilot Dr. Grip Full Black for not actually being full black (I blame the chrome clip for my poor photo quality). But my second go-round with this pen has me really enjoying it. The black ballpoint refill writes very cleanly, and there wasn't any messiness to speak of.

The only real issue is how much lint collected on the grip in its months of inactivity. I took the photo early in the process to capture that, but I cleaned it up immediately afterwards and prior to writing with it. This is a pen worth a second look.

Posted on July 6, 2011 and filed under #onepenoneday, Dr. Grip, Pilot.

#OnePenOneDay TUL Gel Ink Pen

TUL There was a conversation recently around what is the best store brand pen. My rankings look like this:

1. TUL Gel Ink Pen from Office Max

That's it. That is the extent of my list.

Even though I haven't been using it recently, the TUL stacks up with some of the best gel ink pens, and some would even argue that they are better than the Uni-Ball Signo 207 and Pilot G-2. You won't get much argument from me.

In the #OnePenOneDay challenge, this needle tip TUL performed flawlessly all day long, providing a smooth, clean writing experience, and pitch black ink.

Posted on June 28, 2011 and filed under #onepenoneday, TUL.

#OnePenOneDay Zebra Surari 0.5mm

Zebra Surari

The Zebra Surari is one of those pens I like but never spend that much time with, so it was a perfect selection for the #OnePenOneDay project. I got a good day of usage out of it, and found it to be as solid as ever. Compared to the Uni-Ball JetStream and Pilot Acroball, the ink tends to blob on some letters a bit more, but it may write smoother than its competition. Depending on what day it is, I'm likely to have a different answer on which one of the three is my favorite.

Posted on June 22, 2011 and filed under #onepenoneday, Surari, Zebra.