Uni-ball Signo Needle Gel Ink Pen Review

What do you do when the best gel ink pen gets an update? You buy a bunch of them of course! One of my all-time favorites, and my number one ranked gel ink pen for as long as I can remember, the Uni-ball Signo UM-151 0.38 mm is now available with a needle point.

Any time I am asked for a gel pen recommendation, especially in a micro-tip size, this pen is my answer. And it’s not really close. While I repeatedly profess my love for the Pilot Hi-Tec-C, and the Zebra Sarasa Clip is wonderful in its own right, the Signo UM-151 is a step above. If you prefer a needle point over a conical tip, then this is a pen you will want to try out.

Aesthetically, the needle tip model is nearly identical to the standard version. There are a few cosmetic differences, such as the addition of the racing stripe down the barrel, but otherwise, this is the same barrel, same grip, same cap, and same ink. And that’s good in my book. The only thing missing on this model is the DX marking, which I never knew why that existed in the first place or what it meant. It was easier calling it the DX though, as opposed the the UM-151, and now the UM-151ND.

Writing with this pen is a complete joy. The lines are fine and sharp, and the colors are rich and saturated. If you are a tiny writer like me, it’s practically perfect. I’ve never had a Signo UM-151 fail to work when I need it to, like the Pilot Hi-Tec-C. I’ve never had the ink run out quickly, like the Zebra Sarasa Clip. Uni-ball has set themselves apart with this pen.

And it is only marketed and sold in Japan.

Uni-ball clearly knows this pen is a success, so why isn’t it on store shelves around the world? Sure, we can all get them through importers like JetPens (thank goodness!), but I find it odd that this isn’t more widely available, at least in 0.38 mm and 0.5 mm sizes. The Signo 307 is the store shelf pen for Uni-ball, comes in many colors, and is amazing in its own right. I don’t see why the UM-151 isn’t out there more alongside it.

Speaking of colors, I grabbed my favorite five: Blue Black, Lime Green, Violet, Light Blue, and Orange. In the past, I would grab three of them to take notes at work so I could have tasks or similar details color-coordinated. These days, I’m a single color note taker, but like having the color options available. Blue Black is my go to, but I mix in the others frequent enough to get used. And there are 10 more colors to choose from, with possibly more to come.

Bottom line: This is the best gel ink pen on the market. It’s always an enjoyable experience whenever I pick one up, and I always make sure to have one - or more - within arms reach.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on June 26, 2017 and filed under Uni-Ball, Signo, Gel, Pen Reviews.