Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 5

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

Today’s ink reminds me of a Christmas book I loved as a child. It was a scratch-n-sniff book, and one of the pages depicted chocolate cookies fresh from the oven.

Triple Chocolaté ink makes my mouth water. It’s a rich milk chocolate brown standard ink with a tiny bit of shading.

The ink flows well and dries quickly. Although it looks as though there’s some sheen in my writing samples, that’s either a trick of the light or some leftover ink that bled out from my broad nib.

Triple Chocolaté is a good ink for drawing, painting, or writing. You might want to have some milk chocolate on hand just in case this ink gives you a craving.

(Cult Pens provided the Diamine Inkvent Calendar to Pen Addict free of charge for review purposes.)

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Posted on December 5, 2019 and filed under Diamine, Inkvent.