Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 9

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

Every Christmas when I was growing up, my mom would fill a big bowl with unshelled mixed nuts--Brazil nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and almonds. We had this metal hinged nut cracker that was appallingly bad at cracking nuts. But that was part of the fun: conquering the shell and getting to the yummy meat of the nut.

Today’s ink is called Nutcracker. It’s a rich, deep chestnut brown with good shading and a bit of green sheen, even though it’s a standard ink.

Nutcracker is a darker shade of brown than Triple Chocolaté from a few days ago. And it has a slight reddish cast to it whereas Triple Chocolaté leaned more toward the yellow-brown spectrum. Nutcracker is a satisfying brown, especially in broader nibs and in flex nibs because of the shading.

Nutcracker’s shade reminds me most of those huge Brazil nuts in the Christmas nut bowl. I haven’t eaten a Brazil nut since I was a teenager living at home. Maybe I should reignite the tradition this year. I inherited the pitiful metal nutcracker, so why not let the family enjoy the challenge of cracking nuts and pinching their fingers? Fa la la la la!

(Cult Pens provided the Diamine Inkvent Calendar to Pen Addict free of charge for review purposes.)

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Posted on December 9, 2019 and filed under Diamine, Inkvent, Ink Reviews.