Sun-Star Delde Smand Pen Case Review

Sun-Star Delde Smand Pen Case Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter. And check out her latest book, Out of Water, now available where books are sold!)

If you watch the Pen Addict Twitch stream, you've likely seen people shouting SMAND! at random intervals. The clever Sun-Star Delde Stand Pen Case has quickly become a fan favorite--almost an obsession. Can a pen case be a cult classic? Looking at it, I could not figure out why everyone was obsessed with it, so Brad sent me one to try. And it's fine. I mean, it's a good case, and a good design, but my favorite thing about it is the name. Smand!

Sun-Star Delde Smand

It's made out of polyester canvas with a smooth lining. It has a plastic double-zip zipper, a unique wedge shape, and a magnetic front flap with a rubberized interior that folds down to act as a device stand. The dimensions of the stand and case are based around common smartphone sizes, with the implication being that your smartphone is now one of your school supplies. And that's certainly true, these days. The case was designed by middle and high schoolers, and their digital-analog hybrid life is definitely reflected in it. So it's not entirely surprising if it doesn't quite meet the needs of my ancient mummy self.

Sun-Star Delde Smand Stand

What I like about it: Great colors available. I like the structured construction that helps protect the contents. The stand feature works well for devices as long as the case is filled and weighted down (otherwise it tips). The wedge shape fits nicely in bags. I like the name SMAND.

What I don't care for: It doesn't hold very much--just a handful of pens, and even less if you also put a phone in there. If your phone also has a case on it, then maybe only very few pens. It's a bit tippy as a stand unless you keep the case part full. If they had made it just a few millimeters taller, it could fit some scissors or a pocket notebook, but as it is, it's too small.

Sun-Star Delde Smand Open

Brad has cleverly been using his as a pen rest, as the rubberized stand platform is perfect for preventing pens from rolling away on the desk. I think that's a great way to use this case, and I would definitely do that if I didn't have small children and cats who would be too tempted by such treasures left out in the open. Since I have a middle-schooler, and we have just acquired his school supplies, I did a test run to see if this case would work for his needs, and it did not fit even a third of what he's expected to carry with him in his backpack. So I do think it makes a better desk stand than a transport case. It's called a Smand, after all, and not a Smace.

Sun-Star Delde Smand Full

I think this would be a great tool for artists who need to prop up a reference picture, or knitters who want to keep their digital pattern visible and their notions handy. My Smand is likely destined for my knitting bag, and it won't be the only pen case in there. At $17 on JetPens, it's a great deal on a decent case. And decent as it is, I still don't get why everyone is so shouty about it (except that it's just fun to say....SMAND!).

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on August 12, 2021 and filed under Sun-Star, Pen Case, SMAND.