Hinze Pen Company Autumn Leaves Fountain Pen Review

Hinze Pen Company Autumn Leaves Fountain Pen Review

Pen shows serve a multitude of purposes for a multitude of people. For me, I get the opportunity to meet the people behind the scenes and learn their stories. As the years go by, I’m able to witness first hand how they grow, change, and adapt to the current stationery landscape.

I first met Jim Hinze of the Hinze Pen Company at the 2018 Arkansas Pen Show. I enjoyed talking with him, learning about his company, and seeing his wares. We’ve stayed in touch at various pen shows over the years, including a Meet the Makers panel that we both participated in for the online edition of the 2020 Detroit Pen Show.

Hinze Pen Company Autumn Leaves Fountain Pen
Hinze Pen Company Autumn Leaves

I hadn’t seen Jim in person for years, so seeing what he has been up to during my time at the 2022 Atlanta Pen Show was a priority. I was duly impressed with the depth and breadth of the Hinze Pen Co. product lineup in Atlanta, and hearing Jim - and yes, you too Francisco - get excited to tell me about ALL THE THINGS was a great experience.

Building a pen like their Autumn Leaves fountain pen is an experience in itself. The material was made exclusively for Hinze by Diamoncast, one of the more popular pen blank makers currently on the market. And the model I was provided for this review includes a matching nano-plated clip and nib to complete the full Hinze experience.

Hinze Pen Company Fountain Pen

One thing I learned in talking with Jim in Atlanta is don’t you dare say the word “anodized” when referring to his colored nib and clip choices. The nano-plating process is stronger and more durable than anodization, giving those parts a more durable finish for daily use. Obviously if you get a nib grind on one of their colored nibs you will see through the coating, but for for non-modified use, the coating will remain consistent and strong.

Hinze Pen Company Fountain Pen

The shape of my Autumn Leaves pen is called B24, which features a straight barrel, with a slight taper running the length of the pen from tip to tail. The grip section is a traditional slightly-concave shape, which is comfortable to hold, and the cap finial features the Hinze Pen Co. logo. The B24 is a well-balanced overall, although posting, while possible, is not advised due to the added length. Hinze Pen Co. offers a huge range of pen shapes and styles, so you are certain to find a shape to your liking.

It would have been easy for me to pick an orange ink to use with this pen, but I opted for an equally as complimentary bright purple with Bungubox Imperial Purple. It’s a great match to this material, which also features a nice range of blues and greens. It may be called Autumn Leaves, but this is a year-round material.

Hinze Pen Company Fountain Pen

Looking at the Hinze Pen Co. lineup as a whole, you quickly realize that if you have an idea, then Jim and his team can help you execute it to perfection. Material, hardware, story - they have you covered. But did you know that Jim Hinze is the maker’s maker as well? Through his work, he machines many of the tools that other pen makers use to make their own products. How cool is that? Not only does Hinze Pen Co. make great pens for us, they make things for other makers, too.

So yeah, count me as a fan. Shocker, right? Cool pens, cool colors, cool hardware, cool people … what more can you ask for? Good price, too! The base Autumn Leaves pen is $209, with a $20 upgrade for the nano-plated nib (in a wide variety of colors, btw.)

My thanks to Jim and his team for providing this pen for review (and giveaway tomorrow!) If you happen to be at the Chicago Pen Show this upcoming weekend, be sure to swing by and check out their goods.

(Hinze Pen Co. provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Hinze Pen Company Fountain Pen Review
Posted on April 25, 2022 and filed under Hinze Pen Co., Fountain Pens, Pen Reviews.