TAGGED MEMO PAD: A Waterproof Pocket Notebook

(This article was first published on Mai-Bun. Written by Takuya Takahashi. English translation by Bruce Eimon.)

You know that little tag that is stapled onto your your clothes when they come back from the dry cleaners?

Did you know that those tags are stapled onto your clothes BEFORE they get washed? If you think about it, it makes perfect sense - if it was done afterwards, they would have no idea which shirt belonged to whom. But think this through all the way.. The washing machines used by dry cleaners are no slouches. They are heavy-duty industrial strength machines that give your clothes a thorough wash. A tag that can survive such a thorough beating is not just waterproof - it is a special kind of paper that is literally classified as “washer-proof” paper. TAGGED MEMO is a pocket notebook made out of this washer-proof paper.

This unique design gives you a very comfortable grip.

Its soft cover allows it to easily conform to the curvature of your pocket.

The entire notebook is made out of the washer-proof paper, so it can take a beating, easily withstanding any rain or your wet hands. Even if you drop it in a puddle or put it through the washer, just dry it out in the sun and it will be ready to use again. (A video of how the paper weathers 8 hours of being soaked in water: https://vimeo.com/152410499) Just be careful, though. The paper may survive, but any kind of water-soluble dye based ink may wash out when it is immersed in water. The Fisher Space Pen or the Unibal Power Tank may be good companions for this notebook.

Most “water-proof” paper out on the market is heavily coated, giving it a slick and glossy feel. This paper is quite different. It is slightly toothy and has a fibrous texture that feels quite nice to write on, especially with pencil. With fountain pens it feathers a bit and feels a little scratchy. Then again, this is not meant to be written on with water soluble inks. Each page is perforated, and you get 100 full pages.

This is one sturdy pocket notebook that will last you a very long time. With extended use it even takes on a nice worn look, like a nice pair of broken-in jeans. No need to be dainty with this one. You can take it anywhere!

Recommended for:

  • People who like the outdoors.
  • People who have painful memories of ruining their notebooks in the rain/pool/sprinkler.
  • Meteorologists and reporters who spend a lot of time chasing storms. :)


Posted on October 24, 2017 and filed under Tagged, Notebook Reviews.