The Pen Addict Daily Newsletter is here!

I’ve been asked countless times over the years if I had a mailing list to receive Pen Addict blog posts via email. Well, now I do! Sign up right here to get all of the latest posts on the blog, delivered right to your inbox.

As a bonus, I’ll be creating a special Tuesday Toolset newsletter each week as a part of this mailing list. I ran this as a blog feature on and off this year, and loved creating those posts. I’m moving it to the newsletter so I can commit to it fully, and expand on what I discuss. There will be a lot of product discussion each week around what I’m using, and the new goods that land on my desk.

Since the question will inevitably come up, this newsletter is wildly and vastly different from Refill, the Pen Addict Members Newsletter. I put a ton of work into each issue of Refill, and sometimes my heart and soul too, as current members can attest. This is how I support myself and the site, so please check out all it has to offer and consider becoming a member. The sample link has been updated to the latest issue so you can see what it is all about.

As always, I’d love to hear any feedback you have, and am happy to answer any and all questions that come up. Please let me know how I can help!

Posted on August 6, 2019 .