Posts filed under Signo DX

Uni-Ball Signo DX Bordeaux Black 0.38mm Review

Uni-Ball Signo DX 0.38mm Bordeaux Black

The list of Uni-Ball Signo DX colors that I have reviewed is loooong, but until Carmen grabbed the Bordeaux Black for me on a recent NYC trip, I had never used this one. I don't have a good answer as to why it has taken me this long to try it, other than the fact I don't use a lot of reds on a daily basis.

The entire Signo DX line is top quality, and I have yet to have one disappoint me for any reason. If this is your first foray into micro tip pens, you might find the 0.28mm and 0.38mm a little scratchy for your tastes, but give the 0.5mm a chance. I promise you won't be disappointed.

"Naomi" by Neutral Milk Hotel


I was first introduced to Neutral Milk Hotel by my sister and brother-in-law when they were in school in Athens, GA in the early to mid-90's. They were a mind blowing band then, and their music still resonates with me to this day. My sweet little niece is even named after this song.

Their second, and last, album In The Aeroplane Over the Sea (1998) continually pops up on all kinds of Top Album lists, but one of my favorite recordings is elusive lead singer Jeff Mangum's Live at Jittery Joe's (2001) release. It is a set of Neutral Milk Hotel songs performed acoustically by Mangum in a small little coffee shop, and is brilliant. The video quality isn't so hot, but Mangum's voice really shines.

Enough of my fawning - check it out.

Posted on July 1, 2011 and filed under Music, Pen Reviews, Signo DX, Uni-Ball.

Uni-Ball Signo DX 0.38mm Blue Black #onepenoneday

Uni-Ball Signo DX

I am considering starting a small new project here at The Pen Addict that will help me revisit some of the pens that have I have forgotten about over the years. I am notoriously pen ADD, meaning I can't just use one pen all day long and be content. I always talk myself into reasons why I need to swap pens, get five of them out for a project, or really any excuse just to switch it up.

With my new One Pen, One Day project, I plan on picking out a pen in the morning and sticking with it throughout the day no matter what. This will allow me to put to use some really good pens I have been neglecting, and possibly getting a new perspective on pens I have liked or disliked in the past.

I haven't fully fleshed out this project, but right now the plan is to use Instagram out of pure simplicity for photos, and schedule a regular (possibly weekly) recap of what I have rediscovered about the huge number of pens I own. I want to try and keep it simple, but I am open to suggestions of how to set this up.

Any thoughts or ideas? Feel free to share them in the comments section.

Posted on May 11, 2011 and filed under #onepenoneday, Signo DX, Uni-Ball.

Brown Pen Battle


This review is by Kalina Wilson, who can also be found at

 It can be hard to find a good brown pen for sketching.  While there are a lot of beautiful brown fountain pen inks, they aren't waterproof (with perhaps one or two rare exceptions).  When buying a disposable brown pen, it can be hard to predict the color - they range from rusty orange to ashy sepia, and the color on the label or even the pen cap is often no clue to the tone of the ink.

While my collection is by no means exhaustive, this examination includes several of the most common and most recommended brown pen options.  

The Candidates

Visual Comparison

In the line tests above, I pressed harder for the bottom three lines - you can see it clearly in the case of the Pigma Micron 05 Sepia.  Note that some pens showed no variation based on pressure.

5193211413_b032b4baa2_oLike many Pen Addict readers, I'm a big fan of the Pilot Hi-Tec-C despite it seeming to be waterproof only on certain papers.  At least when it runs, it runs in an attractive way which is usable for art.  Note that the almost purplish hue of the Hi-Tec-C brown turns to something like burnt sienna when wet. I love these colors, though of course since it isn't waterproof I often don't choose it for sketching.  Also see Pen Addict's Hi-Tec-C review for a writing sample in blue-black.

The Zebra Sarasa had some conspicuous problems while I was making the comparison chart above - it wasn't giving a consistent line.  Since Pen Addict's reviews show good consistency with this pen,  it may have been a rare glitch.  I went through several test pages before it worked itself out, but now that it has I like this pen a lot and it allows for more line variation than most of the other options.  I drew the more distant towers here lightly to imply distance - it's subtle but you can see the difference.

Brown pens - Zebra Sarasa sample    Brown pens - Zebra Sarasa sample 2


The Zebra Sarasa also does very well with water - I'd say it's totally waterproof. The "tea brown" color is nice and rich. All in all, a very good pen for sketching.

The Uni-Ball Signo DX in Brown Black is very consistent, has good ink flow, and is also almost but not entirely waterproof.  On some papers, a little surface ink can pick up when the ink is still relatively fresh; you can see a slight cast here as I went over it with a waterbrush.  The line isn't pressure sensitive at all, but like I said... consistent.  I really like this one as a writing pen, actually.  Without pressure sensitivity or a particularly rich tone it's not my favorite for sketching but is a fine pen albeit with some body issues (I agree with Pen Addict's assessment).

NaNoDrawMo 6

NaNoDrawMo-31 I had trouble with the Copic Multiliner in sepia.  It's very pale, and the tone isn't strong or beautiful enough for me to want to use it for adding color.  I really want to like it, since the Copic Multiliner is built to last - metal body, replacable tip, refillable - what's not to love? The Pen Addict agrees.   This sepia (which is far from what I would call sepia) is the weak link in their collection, and I look forward to reviewing some of their other colors here soon - I've enjoyed those much more.



NaNoDrawMo-30 The Pigma Micron in brown performed very well though I've only found it in their 05 size, which is larger than I'd like, and I prefer less of a yellow cast. Still, totally waterproof and a good pen.

The Pigma Micron in sepia is much darker, but it's a tone I found very visually pleasant.  It's a shame that once again I only had a larger tip (05) available for testing.  See Pen Addict's thoughts on the smaller 03 size.  

NaNoDrawMo 33The Final Verdict

If it were even halfway waterproof, the Hi-Tec-C would have made it to the top due to its lovely purple-leaning tone and versatile line.  Instead it is relegated to "special use" but can't be a primary tool. The Pigma Micron in sepia serves well as a warmer substitute to a black line.  As a truly brown pen, the nice rich tone of the tea brown Zarasa won me over - that's the pen I'm grabbing when I'm laying down a brown line with some watercolors and want the line to sing.