TWSBI ECO-T Yellow Green Review

(Sarah Read is an author, editor, yarn artist, and pen/paper/ink addict. You can find more about her at her website and on Twitter.)

The TWSBI ECO-T is an update to the original ECO released a few years ago. Not a lot of changes were made and people seem divided over whether or not the changes were improvements. The old version is still available, though, so whichever you prefer, you're good.

I prefer this new version. The main body of the pen is the same, but the cap, piston knob, and grip have been made triangular. The old version had a hexagonal cap and knob, and the grip was rounded with three flared barbs at the end to stop your fingers from sliding forward. Some people loved the grip, but I found the barbs uncomfortable, and I like that the ECO-T has opted for a more subtle, molded grip. The triangular grip does encourage a certain hold, but it's rounded enough that it may not be too intrusive for alternative grips. It's definitely not as bossy as the Lamy grip section.

Another small improvement they made is to put a rubber o-ring at the back end of the pen to help with secure posting. It does work--the pen posts with no wiggle--but it's very long and back-heavy when posted. It may work okay for larger hands, but I suspect it's a bit much even then.

Otherwise, my experience is the same as with the previous ECO. The nib writes wonderfully and starts up right away every time. I love the sloshy ink tank and the alarming key-lime color.

After several broken TWSBIs, I still have the TWSBI jitters--I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. But this model has fewer moving pieces and fewer threads, so I'm hoping it might be more durable. I haven't babied it--it's been a purse and pocket carry for a few weeks now without the cracking and leaking issues I've had with my other TWSBIs. So I find myself, once again, cautiously hopeful. I've had too many sour experiences to consider myself a fan of the brand, but I am enjoying the heck out of this pen. I want to believe! If it holds up, this pen could easily be a daily writer for me.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Posted on May 23, 2018 and filed under TWSBI, Fountain Pens, Pen Reviews, Eco.