Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 17

(Susan M. Pigott is a fountain pen collector, pen and paperholic, photographer, and professor. You can find more from Susan on her blog Scribalishess.)

Every year, my mom bought a poinsettia. It looked lovely throughout the holiday season, but then the petals would fall off and a rather ugly plant would remain. She’d tend to it all year, then put it in a dark closet about a month before Christmas, hoping to persuade it to bloom. It never did, so she’d have to buy a fresh one and throw the old, knobby, stubborn one away.

Today’s ink is Poinsettia and it reflects the intense red of a fresh plant in bloom. This is a standard ink, but where the ink pools you’ll see a bit of gold sheen.

Poinsettia is more vibrant than the other red inks in the Inkvent Calendar so far. It leans towards the blue spectrum and reminds me of cherries--you know, the ones soaked in amaretto and dipped in dark chocolate. Of course, the color is named after the plant and it captures the shade of red perfectly.

I don’t buy poinsettias at Christmas because I have three cats, and poinsettias are poisonous to cats. My husband has threatened to bring a poinsettia home on more than one occasion, but thus far I’ve prevented him from committing kitty murder. Still, whenever I see poinsettias, I remember my mom diligently trying to keep her yearly plant alive. I think of Mom often at Christmas. It was her favorite season. If she were still here, I’d send her a fresh poinsettia every December 1 and tell her just to enjoy it while it bloomed.

(Cult Pens provided the Diamine Inkvent Calendar to Pen Addict free of charge for review purposes.)

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Posted on December 17, 2019 and filed under Diamine, Inkvent, Ink Reviews.