Hello, I’m Brad.

On the mic

Welcome to The Pen Addict!

Every now and then, I like to share with you all of the fun things I am up to in and around the amazing world of stationery. There are new readers here every day, and long-time readers who may not know all of the shenanigans I am up to. Here we go!

I started The Pen Addict in 2007, with The Pen Addict Podcast following in 2012. As of January 1st, 2016, this became my full-time job. Yes, this is what I do for a living, so all of your clicks and downloads and dollars are important to me, and I want to make sure I’m doing my best work in return.

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Each week on the blog, I post 3 to 4 product reviews with the help of an awesome staff of paid Pen Addict writers. We cover everything from your simple $1 wooden pencil, to fountain pens worth hundreds - and everything else in between. We try to keep it fun and loose, while providing you helpful information if you are in the market for new stationery.

Every Wednesday, I jump behind the microphone to talk with my friend Myke about all of the goings on in the stationery world. We discuss new products, how we use the products we own, and answer your questions. With 467 episodes in the can as of this post, you are sure to find some stationery fun along the way. If you have never listened and are interested in jumping in, Myke and I created a new starting point at Episode 400 to catch you up on what you have missed.

One of my latest fascinations has been Twitch.tv. I’ve been streaming for almost three years, but decided to make it a focus in the last year or so. You can catch me discussing stationery live each Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10 a.m. Eastern, and on Wednesday around 11:30 for a post-podcast stream. I hop on at other times randomly as well. If you miss the live stream, all of the replays are uploaded to YouTube to view at your leisure.

Spoke Grips

I also make stuff! At Nock Co., I make pen cases and paper goods, and at Spoke Design, I partner with my friend Brian to make standard pens, fountain pens, and mechanical pencils. In The Pen Addict Shop I offer all kinds of branded merchandise, ranging from stickers and swag to custom pencils and pens.

Possibly my favorite thing I do is offer a Pen Addict Membership, which is the single best, and most direct, way to support my work here at The Pen Addict. Each week, I send out Refill, the Pen Addict members newsletter. It contains a new article from me on a wide range of topics - mostly stationery, but also life - along with links and commentary on other articles I find interesting, monthly giveaways, discounts to The Pen Addict Shop, and more. I have over five years under my belt in offering this program, and am completely thrilled with how it is progressing.

On the socials, I can be found mostly on Twitter and Instagram. You can email me too, but Twitter is the place if you are looking for a quick response.

What else? I’m sure I’ve missed something. Regardless, thank you all for hanging out with me for all of these years and allowing me to call this my job. I feel very fortunate, and take none of this for granted, so let’s see what the future holds!

Posted on June 28, 2021 and filed under General.