May Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor support is very important to me here at The Pen Addict. My sidebar advertisers put their faith in me to deliver good value for them month in and month out, and I want to shine the light on the best of the best for you. If you are shopping for pens, paper, inks, and more, please check out these great companies and see what they have to offer. Some recent highlights:

Goldspot has a beautiful collection of Spring-influenced designs, with favorites from Leonardo, Sailor, and Scribo among the many brands represented.

Vanness Pens has the recently released Esterbrook Estie Sparkle Cosmic Wine Fountain Pen, with a slew of standard and upgraded nib choices available.

JetPens just stocked a huge amount of fun Diplomat Magnum Fountain Pens, in bright colors like Hot Pink, Demo Orange, and Aegean Blue.

Pen Chalet received the brand new Ystudio Glamour Evolve BiHex Rollerball Pens, which are a great new look from this popular Taiwanese maker.

Posted on May 26, 2022 and filed under Sponsors.