Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case Review

(Jeff Abbott is a regular contributor at The Pen Addict. You can find more from Jeff online at Draft Evolution and Twitter.)

Pen cases (and bags in general) are one of the products that I have a lot of trouble keeping under control when it comes to my collection. I want them all because I can envision a unique purpose for each unique bag or case. The main problem is that there are so many different worthy designs and products out there — it's almost impossible to choose. That makes it so much more important to choose wisely to ensure my collection isn't needlessly large.

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

It's not very often that I come across any products that have any critical flaws or weaknesses, so that makes it even more astounding when it happens. At least in this case, it makes the decision of whether to add it to the case collection all that much easier.

What I'm leading up to is a specific pen case that I've tried using for the past couple of weeks. The Luddite Liberator Cordura 4 Pocket Pen Case looks interesting on the surface, uses some good quality materials, and hits a couple of trendy checkboxes that should interest many different customers. But be warned, dear reader, that this pen case has a critical flaw: it doesn't actually close when zipped up. The zipper works smoothly and flawlessly, but it's undercut by the two large gaps in between the zipper panel and the side panels of the case — one on each end of the case!

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

When I was first unpacking and inspecting the case, this design stood out to be almost immediately, but I shrugged it off thinking that it must do an adequate job of keeping objects inside the case — otherwise, how did it make it to the market? After loading it up with a few pens and trinkets, I did a quick test. I used both hands to smoothly rotate the case end over end to simulate being tossed in a bag. Three of the four pens fell out and onto the floor. One more rotation shot out the last pen as well.

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

At this point, I'm inspecting the case closer and trying to find a manufacturing problem — missing or broken stitches that might provide an answer for why it was so obviously ineffective at its one job. Nope — the fit and finish are fantastic and only show that this case is operating as designed.

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

And for that one simple reason, all I can do is dissuade any potential buyers from purchasing this case. I could talk about the main compartment and how it's divided by a nifty internal pocket sleeve, but that doesn't matter. The mesh zippered pocket on the front of the case is the only thing that works great. But there's no point in using the mesh pocket if you leave the main compartment empty. I could also talk about the Cordura fabric and overall build quality, but that doesn't matter either. Just for fun, I put as many pens as I could into the gap between the case walls and the zipper strip. I could easily fit three to four pens into the gap with plenty of wiggle room. What?!

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

In looking at Luddite's other Liberator case options, it seems that they definitely understand how to make a case that completely seals. This just further confuses me for why this 4 pocket case even exists, and that's the real problem I have with it: this is a product that shouldn't exist. There are so many good cases on the market that can fit almost every use case, and they all fulfill the most basic requirement: keep my stuff inside the case when I zip it closed.

Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case

The other case options look interesting, but this particular case design just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to this brand. There are so many excellent options out there that will serve you well. In my mind, Luddite has to offer a truly exceptional product to get me over this initial setback.

(JetPens provided this product at no charge to The Pen Addict for review purposes.)

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Luddite Liberator 4 Pocket Case
Posted on June 1, 2022 and filed under Luddite, Pen Case.