What is Twitch?


Twitch.tv is a streaming platform you may have heard me mention from time to time, but what exactly is it? It is a live streaming service, which allows someone like myself to point a camera at their face and have a live conversation with anyone who cares to join the chat.

My topics range from product tests, unboxings, journal writing, planner updates, and any form of stationery show & tell you can imagine. I’m almost four years into my Twitch streaming journey, and each week it gets more fun.

I stream 2-3 times a week on Twitch.tv/PenAddict, at 10 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday and Thursday, and usually a post-podcast stream on Wednesdays around 11:30 a.m. Eastern. Can’t make the live stream? I’ve got you covered! All of my Twitch streams are saved in their entirety on my YouTube channel. Yes, I have one of those too.

If you have some free time during the week you should come hang out and watch, chat, or even just lurk. And, once you discover how fun Twitch is, you can find more stationery friends to follow in the Stationery Brew channel directory. See you there!

Posted on June 16, 2022 and filed under Twitch.