March Giveaway Madness: Uni-Ball Signo RT 0.38mm 8 Color Set

Uni-Ball SignoIt's still March right?  Well then lets give away more pens!

This contest is for one of my favorite pens, the Uni-Ball Signo RT 0.38mm.  The full 8 color set is up for grabs to one lucky commenter, and includes the following colors: black, red, blue, light blue, lavender black, pink, orange and blue black.  The lavender black was a real eye opener when I reviewed it back in January, and is still in my main pen rotation.  The only colors out of the set I don't personally own are the orange and red, but I'm sure I'll have that remedied soon.

Get to entering people!  Here's how:

1. Leave one comment on this post anytime between now, and Thursday night at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.  You are limited to one entry.  Feel free to link this giveaway on your blog, or share it with anyone you feel is a true pen addict.  If you have a blog, I would love a link back, but it is certainly not required for entry into the contest.

2. For this contest, I will pick one winner at random from the comments section of this post.  The comments will be numbered in the order they are received, i.e. the first comment is #1, the second #2, and so on.  The Random Integer Generator at will be used to pick the number of the winner.

3. The contest winner will be posted on Friday, April 3rd.  The winner will have one week to email me at the address posted in the right sidebar.

4. I will ship internationally.  I know there are many international readers and fans of The Pen Addict, and I will gladly ship to you at my expense.

Thanks, and good luck!

Posted on March 31, 2009 .