May Sponsor Spotlight

Sponsor support is very important to me here at The Pen Addict. My sidebar advertisers put their faith in me to deliver good value for them month in and month out, and I want to shine the light on the best of the best for you. If you are shopping for pens, paper, inks, and more, please check out these great companies and see what they have to offer. Some recent highlights:

JetPens has all of the fresh Kaweco Perkeo colors for 2019, and somehow they cost less than the Frosted Sport I reviewed earlier this week.

Pen Chalet collaborated with Endless Works to bring you the Endless Recorder, Pen Chalet Edition, featuring 160 pages of 68 GSM Tomoe River paper goodness.

Goldspot received the beautiful new Sailor Pro Gear Slim Red Supernova in stock, which is limited to 800 units worldwide.

Anderson Pens brought in eight new Bungbox ink colors, proudly contained in their newly designed ink bottles.

Posted on May 29, 2019 and filed under Sponsors.